Activities - Ring of Fire

Hold one of the translucent solids in the light. You should see a glowing two-dimensional shape that changes as you move the solid around. The glowing shape is called a "cross-section" of the solid.

Can you find a hexagonal cross-section of the cube? Which two of these solids have a square cross-section? What surprising shape can you find in the triangular pyramid? Which two solids have elliptical cross-sections?

Math Midway - Interactive Mathematics Exhibit - Traveling Math Exhibition

Math Midway - Interactive Mathematics Exhibit - Traveling Math Exhibition

The National Museum of Mathematics is the owner of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,602,790; 9,165,479; and 9,472,120 covering one or more exhibits at the Museum.

Experience These Exciting Activities

Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit
Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit
Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit
Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit
Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit
Math Midway - interactive math exhibition - Fun House Exhibit

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